First-Time Customer Discount | BBB Accredited | Fully Licensed and Insured
First-Time Customer Discount
BBB Accredited
Fully Licensed and Insured
From haircuts and blowouts to nail trimming and grooming, count on Doggie Playhouse for superior and affordable services. Our groomers will clip, trim, and groom your dog until it's clean and happy. We'll make your dog look its best.
We love dogs as much as you do! Let us provide your dog with a safe, clean, and fun environment. Your dog will get a healthy outlet for its energy by playing and socializing with other dogs. Call today to learn more about our day care services.
From cage-free boarding to affectionate petting from our staff, your dog will love staying with us. We will care for your dog well and be sure it goes home happy! Special arrangements for pickup and drop off outside our normal hours are available.
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